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The Fact is most businesses don’t follow up effectively, or don’t event follow up at all, Yet more than 95% of Sales are made in the follow up, In fact that’s 95% of sales are after 7 interactions, So if you want more sales, you need to follow up... Automatically
Before you automate
The 7 key elements that all businesses absolutely MUST DO before automating their business
Automatic Follow up
The keys to Automation Success, and creating our automated follow up, to make sure we nurture every single lead. NO GAPS.
Internal follow up
Treat your business like a lead and make sure we follow up wiht those internal stakeholders Automatically. Saving you time to focus on the things you do best
Since 2014, Automation Made Easy has been helping to automate businesses just like yours to save time, money and sanity. We specialise in using automation to help your business succeed and stand out in your industry..
Our Core Values below are what makes us tick, it’s how we get jobs done on time, it’s how we help our customers to success and how we continually enjoy what we do. Small businesses are not an easy ride, they take effort, concentration, skills, dedication and most importantly TIME. Time spent being ‘everything’ in your small business spreads you thin. It can be stressful, however those successes are so rewarding. We are here to help reduce the time factor and make whatever we can easier with Automation.
This email template is the secret to the Follow Up Formula. Use my tried and tested emails, make them your own and have the Follow Up Formula in place. Get all your follow up done, no matter what you sell. Focus on delivering your product or service, rather than these crappy non converting leads
This CF 2.0 page templates makes it a snap for you to create the pages you need to run the Follow Up Formula. Get all your pages set up quickly without having to be an expert in website building. Focus on building and scaling your business rather than wasting time on designers
This CF 2.0 connected automations helps you to Personalise, connect and go live. Get the insider automation set ups, to simply get the best results. Create amazing follow up, without stressing over how the system is supposed to work.
This online training helps you to know exactly what to do and where to do it to personalise and make these your own. Focus only on the updates rather than the how to. Discover the secrets for how to get more RECIPROCITY from your lead generation campaigns